Browse our source — we have nothing to hide :)

We believe that it is always best to learn from real world examples. For this reason you can browse all the source code (almost) of here on this page.
See ajaxed in action and learn...

<!--#include virtual="/page.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="/ajaxed/class_dropdown/dropdown.asp"-->
set sources = (new DataContainer)(array( _
    "/article.asp", _
    "/articles.asp", _
    "/page.asp", _
    "/default.asp", _
    "/about/default.asp", _
    "/api/default.asp", _
    "/app/article.asp", _
    "/app/sourceCode.asp", _
    "/feed/default.asp", _
    "/contact/default.asp", _
    "/discuss/default.asp", _
    "/source/default.asp", _
    "/ajaxedConfig/header.asp", _
    "/ajaxedConfig/footer.asp" _
page.title = "source code"

'* drawSourceDD 
sub drawSourceDD()
    with new Dropdown
        .datasource =
        .commonFieldText = "- source file -"
        .commonFieldValue = ""
        .name = "src"
        .attributes = "onchange=""$('frm').submit()"""
        .selectedValue = getSrc()
    end with
end sub

'* getSrc 
function getSrc()
    getSrc = lib.iif(page.isPostback(), page.RF("src"), "/source/default.asp")
end function

'* main 
sub main() %>
    <div class="contentAlt">
        <div class="content">
            <h1>Browse our source — we have nothing to hide :)</h1>
    <div class="content text">
        We believe that it is always best to learn from real world examples.
        For this reason you can browse all the source code (almost) of here on this page.
        See ajaxed in action and learn... 
        <form action="default.asp" method="post" id="frm">
            <label>Select source file:</label>
            <% drawSourceDD() %>
    <div class="text" style="padding:1em;">
        <% if sources.contains(getSrc()) then str.write((new Sourcecode)(getSrc())) %>
    <div class="content text">    
            <strong>Note:</strong> As those sources come from a real
            production system they may lack a bit of documentation.
            It is a production system. We had to deliver quickly :)
    <div class="contentAlt">
        <div class="content">
                Did you know that it took only 3 days to develop

<% end sub %>
Note: As those sources come from a real production system they may lack a bit of documentation. It is a production system. We had to deliver quickly :)

Did you know that it took only 3 days to develop

Version 2.1.1 Released4273 days ago