ajaxed v2.0.1 API Documentation
Info: You are browsing the API docs of a previous ajaxed version.Click here if you want the latest API docs (2.1.1)
<!--#include virtual="/ajaxed/ajaxed.asp"-->
set page = new AjaxedPage
page.title = "my first ajaxed page"
sub main()
'the execution starts here
end sub
<% sub pagePart_one() %>
<strong>some bold text</strong>
<% end sub
sub main() %>
<div id="container"></div>
<button onclick="ajaxed.callback('one', 'container')">load page part one</button>
<% end sub %>
sub callback(action)
if action = "add" then page.return(2 + 3)
end sub
sub main()
id = page.QS("id") ' = request.queryString("id")
name = page.RF("name") ' = request.form("name")
save = page.RFHas("save") 'checks if "save" is not empty
'automatically try to parse a querystring value into an integer.
id = str.parse(page.QS("id"), 0)
end sub
'container with an array as datasource
set dc = (new DataContainer)(array(1, 2, 3))
'container with a dictionary as datasource
set dc = (new DataContainer)(lib.newDict(1, 2, 3))
'container for a recordset
set dc = (new DataContainer)(lib.getRS("SELECT * FROM table"))
set dc = (new DataContainer)(array(1, 2, 3))
'check if a given value exists in the container
'its even possible in one line
((new DataContainer)(array(1, 2, 3))).contains(2)
set dt = new Datatable
set page = new AjaxedPage
sub init()
dt.sql = "SELECT * FROM user"
dt.sort = "firstname"
end sub
sub callback(a)
end sub
sub main()
end sub
<% dt.newColumn("firstname", "Firstname")%>
set c = dt.newColumn("firstname", "Firstname")
c.cssClass = "colFirstname"
dt.selection = "multiple"
dt.onRowCreated = "onRow"
sub onRow(callerDT)
callerDT.row.selected = callerDT.row.number <= 10
end sub
<% (new Dropdown)("SELECT * FROM table", "name", "selected").toString() %>
<% (new Dropdown)(lib.range(1, 12, 1), "month", month(date())).toString() %>
'simple number
output = (new JSON)("myNum", 2, false)
'generates {"myNum": 2}
'array with different datatypes
output = (new JSON)("anArray", array(2, "x", null), true)
'generates "anArray": [2, "x", null]
'(note: the last parameter was true, thus no surrounding brackets in the result)
'by default we disable the logging
sub envDEV()
'but we enable it on the dev environment
end sub
lib.logger.debug("some debug message")
lib.logger.warn("a warning like e.g. use method A instead of B")
lib.logger.info("user logged in")
lib.logger.error("some error happend")
set r = new RSS
r.url = "http://somehost.com/somefeed.xml"
if r.failed then lib.error("could not read feed. could be down or wrong format")
for each it in r.items
str.write(r.title & "<br>")
set output = new StringBuilder
output("some text")
output("some other text")
<%= output.toString() %>
<!--#include virtual="/ajaxed/class_TestFixture/testFixture.asp"-->
set tf = new TestFixture
sub test_1()
tf.assert 1 = 1, "1 is not equal 2"
'Lets test if our home page works
tf.assertResponse "/default.asp", empty, "<h1>Welcome</h1>", "Welcome page seems not to work"
end sub
set t = new TextTemplate
t.filename = "/sometemplatefile.txt"
t.add "name", "John Doe"
email.subject = t.getFirstLine()
email.body = t.getAllButFirstLine()
Name: <<< NAME >>>
set v = new Validator
if lastname = "" then v.add "lastname", "Lastname cannot be empty"
if str.parse(age, 0) <= 0 then v.add "age", "Age must be a number and greater than 0"
if v then
str.write(v.getErrorSummary("<ul>", "</ul>", "<li>", "</li>"))
end if